“There is no better clinic than Madison Speech!  As a speech therapist myself, my expectations were pretty high.  When I realized we had a late talker, I was conflicted as to whether to work with my daughter on my own, or take her to a private speech clinic.  From day one, I knew I had made the right decision.  Mrs. Anna Claire could not have made our experience any better.  I never once worried whether my girl was receiving quality therapy and more importantly, she loved going each week.  It wasn’t work to her, but another chance to play with a best friend.  It has been 4 years since our experience, but we still keep in touch and my daughter talks about Anna Claire to this day.  I would not hesitate to recommend this clinic to anyone and if any of my other kids ever need speech therapy, this is where we will be.  We came to help our girl find her voice, but we left with a lifelong friend!”